Board Of Directors
MERA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who meet at least 10 times a year. Meetings are usually held at the Schoolhouse at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month. MERA members are welcome to attend Board meetings. To address the board, please advise the Board Secretary for a place on the agenda.
The Board establishes policies for the organization that further the mandate of MERA and monitors and approves financial expenditures. The board oversees and directs the activities of the part time Administrator and part time Caretaker. The Board also supports regular, ongoing groups as well as plans for workshops, events and new initiatives considered by the Program and Music Committees, and any other committees or working groups that may be established to carry out specific tasks.
The Board must have at least 5 and no more than 9 members elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting held late winter/early spring. They serve 3 year terms which may be renewed once. After each Annual General Meeting, the elected Board members select the officers among themselves: Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Present Directors - 2023
Chair: Barry Russell
Vice Chair: Patti Jo Wilson
Secretary: Helen Mogford
Treasurer: Peter Cochrane
Director: Jan Griffiths
Director: Louise Ennis
Director: Timothy Booth
Serving on the MERA Board of Directors
Would you like to serve on the Board? We are always interested in community minded people to serve on the Board who have artistic, fundraising, financial, organizational or other skills to share. Please feel free to attend a board meeting or contact any board member.
For details about the Board of Directors, Officers, member eligibility, voting, member meetings and the Annual General Meeting, please see the Bylaws.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting must be held no later than March 31 each year as mandated by the Bylaws. The AGM is open to the general public, however only members in good standing are eligible to vote for election of directors and amendments to the bylaws.
The following business is transacted at the AGM:
- Presentation of the financial statements and the Treasurer’s report;
- Reports of the Board and various committees;
- Election of the directors by the membership;
- Votes by the membership on proposed amendments to the bylaws;
- Such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting.
Members are encouraged to attend the AGM to learn about the current status and new initiatives of the organization and to contribute to the discussions.
The Annual General Meeting for 2023 was held at the MERA Schoolhouse on March 19th, 2023 at 2:00pm.
Download the Minutes and Reports of the March 19th, 2023 MERA Annual General Meeting Here.
Download the Financial Statement for 2023 Here.