The MERA Supporter Program
What is MERA Worth to You?
What is MERA and what is its value to you and your community? We are hoping that you will take a few moments to consider the following:
Did you know that membership dues and program and event fees only cover 70% of the costs of operating MERA?
If you receive the monthly MERA Newsletter you will be aware that the MERA Schoolhouse is a busy place. MERA is home to the following groups and activities:
- The MERA Potters ,the Arts Circle, the Recorder Consort, the Glass on Glass Collective, two Dance Collectives and the Book Club
- The Heritage Weavers, the Quilters, the Knitters & Spinners and the Fibre Arts group
- Instructional workshops for such things as basketry, visual arts, felting, stained glass and pottery
- Blue Jeans Classical music concerts and Sunday Schoolhouse Folk & Roots music concerts
- Art Exhibits, ‘Round the World on a Plate Suppers and the Annual Christmas Fair
- A Kids Summer Art Camp and a Kids Summer Dance and Drama Camp
- The twice monthly e- Newsletter, Facebook posts and revitalized website are maintained to keep everyone informed.
In order to keep these programs and events accessible to everyone, fees have been kept modest by design. Your continuing generous support is essential to bridge the gap between program income and operating expenses which will allow MERA to continue to make important contributions to arts, crafts and community events in the McDonalds Corners/Elphin area and surrounding communities. We hope you will consider making an annual tax deductible donation and join our family of supporters.
Your donation can be made by cheque or e-transfer:
By Mail: MERA Administrator, 974 Concession 9A, McDonalds Corners, ON, K0G 1M0
e-Transfer: MERA –
To learn how to e-Transfer funds to MERA visit:
(Note: For your convenience some institutions allow recurring contributions by e-Transfer)
Not a MERA Member yet? Sign up today at: (Memberships run from January 1 to December 31)