MERA Weavers

This collective has expanded significantly from a core group over the last few years, to the point where space and equipment have become limiting factors. There are now 7 looms of various sizes and styles at MERA. Several of these looms are set up with extra-long warps which become cooperative projects that various members work on when they can.

This group meets weekly on Thursdays. We are fortunate to now have a revitalized weaving studio where our 7 looms, of various sizes and styles, are located. The looms are usually set up with extra-long warps which become cooperative projects to allow various members to take a turn weaving.  The weavers plan and share ideas, advice and enthusiasm with each other. It’s an apprentice-like learn-as-you-go environment suited to those who have taken an introduction to weaving.

Weaving is more than something we do. It’s an opportunity to push our boundaries, to create, to imagine and reimagine. It’s an opportunity to explore colours, textures and designs.

“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of looms.” (Original quote by Doug Larson)

As with all groups at the schoolhouse, you must have a MERA membership to become a regular member of the MERA Heritage Weavers.

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For additional information contact Lise Loader at 613 326 0087 or Eric Riley at 613 278 2102.